Dies ist nur die E-Rechnungs-Test-Version.
Hier einlangende Rechnungen werden nicht verarbeitet und daher auch nicht bezahlt
Invoice recipients
Via e-Rechnung.gv.at it is possible to transmit electronic invoices to the federal government and to connected institutions of the other public sector.
Invoice Recipients of the federal Government
Based on the provisions of Section 5 of the Austrian ICT Consolidation Act (IKTKonG), the Austrian federal government only accepts electronic invoices (e-Invoices) for the provision of goods and services. The federal government institutions are in general:
- All ministries and their subordinated administrative offices
- The Parliament
- The office of the federal president
- The higher administrative court
- The constitutional court
- The Austrian ombudsman board
- The court of audit
The list of all federal ministries and subordinate departments can be found here.
Other Invoice Recipients
A detailed listing of all other invoice recipients connected to e-Rechnung.gv.at, is also available.
Currently there exists no legal obligation to send e-Invoices to the other invoice recipients that are not part of the federal government.